Scholarship Fund FAQ
Does a Scholarship application form have to be submitted?
Yes, a Scholarship application form with its supporting documentation must be submitted to be considered.
Can more than one child per family apply?
Yes, applications are accepted by all dependent children of the same family.
Will my child/children be automatically considered for a Scholarship by submitting an application?
No. There are two phases to the selection process. In phase I, the applications submitted are reviewed by the Trustees of the LiUNA Local 527 Scholarship Fund to determine the eligibility of the member. If the member is determined eligible, the application will proceed to Phase II where it will be evaluated by an Independent Selection Committee comprised of community leaders.
What determines the eligibility of the member?
A member must be working under a collective agreement requiring the Employer to make contributions to the Scholarship Fund and must have accumulated a minimum of 500 hours in a 12 month period commencing January 1st of the previous year of the Awards; A member must also be in good standing with the union during the selection and awards process and during the accumulation of the above hours.
When a member is determined to be eligible, what are the criteria that must be met by the Applicant in Phase II?
The criteria for the Applicant is in summary that:
- They must be a person designated by the member on the Registration Form as a dependent at the LiUNA Local 527 Benefit Health and Safety Trust Fund office;
- They must provide proof of acceptance in a Canadian College or University as a full-time student in a minimum two year program and must provide proof of fees payment for the year’s fall/winter term;
- They must provide proof of a 70% average (GPA equivalent) for the previous school year;
- They must provide a resume which will include a description of their community involvement and volunteer work after school;
- They must submit a Reference Form completed by an employer or a teacher indicating the work ethic of the individual;
- They must submit a minimum 500 word essay on a topic chosen by the Trustees;
- They must submit a completed Scholarship Application form.
If an Applicant does not have the grade average required, should they submit their application?
Students who do not have a 70% average (GPA equivalent) or more do not qualify to apply for a Scholarship but can apply for the Bursary.
What is the Bursary?
An application form must be completed to be considered for a Bursary. Where the Scholarship award is based on the upcoming school year, the Bursary is based on the previous academic school year. Another criteria for applicants to be considered for a Bursary is: They must provide proof of successfully completing the previous year’s college or university year with a minimum average of 65%; for applicants that submitted a Scholarship application the previous year and was not selected for a Scholarship Award that year, they may qualify for a $500.00 Bursary by submitting the application and proof of successfully completing the previous academic year.
What is the amount of the Scholarship Awards?
In the past years $2,000 has been awarded to selected applicants attending a Canadian College and $3,000.00 has been awarded to selected applicants attending a Canadian University.
Can a Scholarship be awarded more than once?
Yes, it is possible for a student to be selected for a Scholarship each year they submit an application.
If students are attending post-secondary school on a full scholarship, are they still eligible for a scholarship award?
No, they are not eligible for a Scholarship.
Where can I get an Application form?
An information letter explaining the eligibility and selection process together with the application forms will be mailed to each member and will be made available on the website in April/May of each year under the Scholarship Fund Forms Page
Is there a deadline for submitting an application?
Yes, the deadline date will be posted in the information letter and the application forms and on the website in the near future.
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