Frequently Asked Questions
By joining LiUNA, you will be part of over 80,000 members in Ontario being represented in industries such as construction, manufacturing and building supply. Being a LiUNA member offers you and your family security and dignity that means improved wages, a benefit package (Health & Welfare Benefits, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Legal fees and Scholarships) and a pension.
Local 527’s jurisdiction follows the Ontario Labour Relations Board areas described below:
Board Area 13: The County of Lanark, the geographic Townships of South Crosby, Bastard, Kitley, Wolford, Oxford (on Rideau) and South Gower and all lands north thereof in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
Board Area 14: The County of Renfrew.
Board Area 15: The Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, and the United Counties of Prescott and Russell.
Board Area 30: The geographic Townships of Elizabethtown, Augusta and Edwardsburg and all lands south thereof in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.
Board Area 31: The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
- That the Ontario Law provides workers with the right to join and organize a Union; it is protected by the Labour Relations Code which is overseen by the Labour Relations Board;
- It is against the Law: for the employer to interfere with or dominate the union of his employees.
- It is against the Law: for the employer to discriminate against a worker because he or she is supporting a union.
- It is against the Law: for the employer to threaten, punish or dismiss a worker because he or she is supporting a union.
- That it will be more beneficial to you getting unionized by joining together with your co-workers ;
- Assurance that you will be protected in getting your employer to negotiate a Collective Agreement to improve your wages and benefits as well as working conditions achieved through the Collective Bargaining process.
Under many of the Collective Agreements, your benefit package can include:
- Medical Care;
- Vision Care;
- Dental Care;
- Life Insurance;
- Short Term Disability;
- Pension Benefits;
- Legal Benefits;
- Scholarships possiblities for your children attending College or University;
- Free Training Courses.
Your benefit package is paid by unionized employers over and above your hourly wage package. With the high cost of raising a family, the benefits provided will bring you peace of mind.
Once you are initiated as a member, you will be required to pay your monthly union dues in order to remain a member in good standings. Members have a 60-day grace period to pay their monthly union dues; their membership will be suspended should their union dues be left unpaid after the grace period.
You may have an opportunity to join through organizing if you are working for a non-unionized construction company. Please contact our office for more details.
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