Legal Services Benefit Plan
The LiUNA Local 527 Legal Services (1997) Trust Fund was established to help alleviate the costs faced by our members and their dependents in obtaining legal assistance. The legal benefits provided by the Plan are listed in the Member’s Legal Services Benefit Plan booklet.
*Please note: The information provided below is for your reference only. We recommend that you contact the Union office at 613-521-6565 prior to incurring any cost to ensure entitlement and coverage.
Members and their family may be entitled to the following legal benefits
Preventive Law
includes reimbursement of legal services for legal advice and consultation
Wills and Estates / Powers of Attorney
includes reimbursement of legal services for members and their spouses for the preparation of simple Wills or the revision of Wills and preparation of Powers of Attorney
Domestic and Divorce Proceedings (for Members only)
includes reimbursement of legal services for the following: preparation of Prenuptial Agreement, preparation of a separation agreement, filing a petition for divorce or separation, family court and mediation services.
Landlord/Tenant Matters
(as a tenant only) includes reimbursement of legal services for claims arising out of a Landlord/Tenant relationship regarding the employee’s rental dwelling
Real Estate Matters
Coverage includes reimbursement of legal services for the following: purchase or sale of a family dwelling, purchase of a lot in which to build a family dwelling, preparation of a new or renewal of mortgage, discharge of mortgage, preparation of a Spousal Co-Ownership Agreement
Litigation (Plaintiff) (for Members only)
includes reimbursement of legal services in connection with any civil action or civil administration proceedings with the filing of a civil or administrative action by the member only
Litifation (Defendant)
includes reimbursement of legal services in connection with any civil action or civil administration proceedings in which the member, spouse or dependent child is named as a defendant
Insurance Related Matters
includes reimbursement of legal services in connection with claims against a members’ insurer (except for benefits provided by Local 527)
Non-Complex Legal Documents
includes reimbursement of legal services in connection with the preparation of non-complex legal documents including Powers of Attorney and notarized affidavits
Government Programs and Assistance
includes reimbursement of legal services in matters arising out of disputes with WSIB and EI
Criminal Matters
includes reimbursement of legal services when charged under provincial or federal statues under the: Highway Traffic Act, Provincial Offenses Act , Criminal Code.
The above benefits have limitations and exclusions; a detailed description of the benefit coverage is available in the Members’ Legal Services Benefit Plan Booklet. Interpretation of the Plan and final determination of any claim that may be questioned will be governed by the Trustees of the LiUNA Local 527 Legal Services (1997) Trust Fund.
Legal Services Benefit Plan Frequently Asked Questions
Entitlement to Benefits
Am I eligible for the reimbursement of the legal fees I have incurred?
There is more than one factor that determines whether you are eligible for reimbursement. Therefore, due to the complexity of determining eligibility, it is your responsibility to contact the administrator prior to consulting a lawyer to determine whether you are eligible.
Benefit Coverage
Questions below have been answered on the basis that the member meets all requirements to be eligible for benefits.
Am I covered for all types of legal services?
No. The Plan does not pay for all legal costs that you may incur. Legal Services that are covered can be found on pages 8 through 13 in the Members’ Legal Services Benefit Plan Booklet.
Is there a maximum payment on benefits?
Yes. There is a limitation under each category and there is maximum yearly limitation. It is important to note that taxes, disbursements and fees other that lawyer fees are excluded from coverage.
Am I entitled to the reimbursement of legal fees I incurred for the purchase of my family dwelling?
Yes. Reimbursement for the purchase of a family dwelling is limited to a maximum of $500.00, one purchase every five years.
Will my legal fees be covered for the renewal of my mortgage on my family dwelling?
Yes. The preparation of a new mortgage or renewal of mortgage is limited to $400.00, one claim every 24 months.
I have incurred legal fees for the discharge of mortgage on my family dwelling. Am I entitled to the reimbursement of legal fees?
Yes. A discharge of mortgage is limited to $300.00, one claim every 24 months.
Does the Plan cover legal expenses for Divorce Proceedings
Yes. Coverage under these proceedings is to a maximum of $600.00, one claim per calendar year.
I am required to appear in family court for a revision of my financial statement to establish the increase of child support. Will I be entitled to the reimbursement of my legal fees?
Yes. Coverage under these proceedings is to a maximum of $1,500.00, one claim per calendar year. Also, mediation services for divorce, separation and domestic proceedings is limited to 50% of the total cost to a maximum of $2,000.00
Yes. You and your spouse will be covered to a maximum of $200.00 each for your Wills and $100.00 each for your Powers of Attorney.
Claims Procedure
How do I proceed with my claim?
Please fill in and submit the Legal Claim Form with your detailed Statement of Account from your lawyer and required documentation. The administrator will determine your eligibility for benefits and provide you with any further information required based on the claim you are submitting.
What documents do I submit for the reimbursement of legal fees?
All claims submitted must be accompanied by a detailed statement of account indicating the services rendered and that the account has been paid in full. Some of the documents required are listed on the Legal Claim Document Requirement Sheet. Since documents are specific to the legal services provided, other documentation may be required. The Administrator and Trustees reserve the right to request other information to process your claim.
I have not yet submitted my expenses for legal servceis provided to me last year. Will I be reimbursed if I submit it now?
Yes. You have 12 months from the date of the service to submit your claim.
Will the Legal Fund office provide me with the name of a lawyer?
No. You must choose your own lawyer.
Will the Legal Fund office pay my lawyer directly instead of reimbursing me?
No. All claims submitted must first be paid in full and payment for the reimbursement of any claim will only be made to the member.
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